Saturday, October 27, 2007

Mock Interveiw

I thought my mock interview went very well. I actually was not worried about my interview at all because fortunately, I have grown up my whole childhood life around talking with other people. As a kid I would talk to many people that were generations older than me and therefore I am very comfortable with talking to older people. If I was to be interviewed by someone who was older than me but in my same generation, the interview would be more difficult. For some reason, I get extremely nervous around my peers. I am guessing there will be a 70% chance that the real interviewer for my first job will be someone in a different generation than myself.

Two thing that helped me have a successful interview was having my materials ready early and being on time for the interview. Both of theses helped boost my confidence prior to meeting with Angie. I felt smart, organized and ready to go. By setting myself up for a successful interview on the front end, allowed me to stay calm and answer any questions with careful thought.

Overall I am very impressed with my interview. As easy as I thought the interview was , I still need more practice. I need to be prepared to answer any questions that one might ask. More practice can never be a bad thing.

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